List of Acupuncture Points (Reference)

Here is a list of all Acupuncture Points for quick reference. I’ve included the Chinese characters as well as the Pinyin tones.
This list was made by combining point translations from: A Manual of Acupuncture Points (Deadman), Handbook of Oriental Medicine (H.B. Kim) and Atlas of Acupuncture (C.Flocks) as well as some extra point translations by Jim Cleaver (he is a brilliant and incredible resource for learning Chinese Medicine:

Although I’ve checked the lists thoroughly it is possible that I’ve made an error. Feel free to reach out if you see any mistakes.

Nomenclature in CANADA VS USA
** Please note there are differences in acupoint terms and abbreviations used for CAN/US board exams and internationally published textbooks
(HT/HE TE/SJ BL/UB LR/LV Ren/CV DU/GV Yin HV/ Yin Qiao Yin LV/ Yinwei)

ex: TE instead of SJ (Triple Energizer/Burner vs San Jiao)
ex: HT instead of HE (Heart channel)
ex: BL instead of UB (Bladder vs Urinary Bladder - BL is most common)
ex: LR instead of LV (for Liver channel)
ex: CV instead of Ren (Conception vessel/Ren mai)
ex: GV instead of Du (Governing vessel/ Du main)
ex: KI instead of KID (Kidney channel)
ex: PC instead of P (Pericardium channel)
ex: Yin Heel/Motility Vessel instead of Yin Qiao (abbreviated to Yin HV and Yang HV for Yang heel)
ex: Yin Linking Vessel instead of Yin Wei (abbreviated to Yin LV and Yang LV for yang linking)
- if you are a Canadian student, it is best to know all abbreviations as many textbooks flip between the nomenclature



LU-1 中府 Zhongfu - Middle Palace / Central Treasury (Zhōngfǔ)

LU-2 雲門 Yunmen  - Cloud Gate (Yúnmén)

LU-3 天府 Tianfu - Palace of Heaven / Celestial Storehouse  (Tiānfǔ)  

LU-4 俠白 Xiabai -   Clasping the White / Guarding White (Xiábái)

LU-5 尺澤 Chize - Cubit Marsh (Chǐzé)

LU-6 孔最 Kongzui - Collection Hole/ Maximum Opening (Kǒngzuì)

LU-7 列缺 Lieque - Interrupted Sequence/ Broken Sequence (Lièquē)

LU-8 經渠 Jingqu  -  Channel Ditch/ Channel Gutter (Jīngqú)

LU-9 太淵 Taiyuan - Supreme Abyss / Great Deep Pool / Great Abyss (Tàiyuān)

LU-10 魚際 Yuji -  Fish Border (Yújì)

LU-11 Shaoshang - Lesser Shang/ Lesser merchant / Lesser Metal/ (Shàoshāng) [Shang–also a reference to musical note] -alt name 鬼信 Ghost Sincerity guǐ xìn

*SHANG as musical note:
“The five music scales i.e. 宫 Gong (do),
商 Shang (ri), 角 Jue (mi), 徵 Zhi (so) and 羽 Yu (la) were firstly defined in Yue Ji (translated as Chapter of Music), which is the 19th chapter in Li Ji or The Book of Rites (collected by Dai Sheng from 51 B.C. to 21 B.C.) and the first systemic theoretic records on music [11] . In this chapter, the medical effects of music have already been involved.

The model of five phases i.e. metal, wood, water, fire and earth is one of the most basic philosophic foundations in CM. In Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, a connection of the five phases, five Zang-organs, and human sound with the five scales has been established (Figure 1). It is also explained that Jue, Zhi, Gong, Shang, and Yu are derived from the very primary sound in the beginning of the universe. As recorded in the classic, each organ has its corresponding sound in nature."

Shang (ri) and Sorrow

Sorrow corresponds to the phase of metal and related to the lungs. This category of music/song is characterized by being resounding, sorrowful, solemn, sonorous and forceful. So, it’s called the music of autumn. When the reaction is hyperactive, sorrow consumes Qi. The music of Shang strengthens the astringing and purifying effects of the lungs and regulates water metabolism.  - Zhang, H. and Lai, H. (2017) Five Phases Music Therapy (FPMT) in Chinese Medicine: Fundamentals and Application. Open Access Library Journal, 4, 1-11. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1104190.


LI-1 Shangyang - Metal Yang / Merchant Yang / Shang Yang/ (Shāngyáng) [Shang–also a reference to musical note *see above]

LI-2 二間 Erjian - Second Space (Èrjiān)

LI-3 三間 Sanjian - Third Space (Sānjiān)

LI-4 合谷 He Gu - Joining Valley / Junction Valley/Union Valley (Hégǔ)

LI-5 陽谿 Yangxi - Yang Stream/ Yang Ravine (yáng xī)

LI-6 偏歴 Pianli - Veering Passageway/ Diverging Passage (Piānlì)

LI-7 溫溜 Wenliu - Warm Flow/Warm Dwelling (Wēnliū)

LI-8 下廉 Xialian - Lower Angle/ Lower Ridge(Xiàlián)

LI-9 上廉 Shanglian - Upper Angle / Upper Ridge (Shànglián)

LI-10 手三里 Shousanli - Arm Three Miles (Shǒusānlǐ)

LI-11 曲池 Quchi - Pool at the Crook/Bend (Qūchí)

LI-12 肘髎 Zhouliao - Elbow Crevice / Elbow Bone-Hole (Zhǒuliáo)

LI-13 手五里 Shouwuli - Arm Five Miles (Shǒuwǔlǐ)

LI-14 臂臑 Binao - Upper Arm (Bìnào)

LI-15 肩髃 Jianyu - Shoulder Bone (Jiānyú)

LI-16 巨骨 Jugu - Great Bone (Jùgǔ)

LI-17 天鼎 Tianding - Heaven’s Tripod/ Celestial Tripod/ Head’s Tripod (Tiāndǐng)

LI-18 扶突 Futu - Support the Prominence/ Protuberance Assistant (Fútū)

LI-19 口禾髎 Kouheliao - Mouth Grain Crevice/Hole / Grain Bone-hole (Kǒuhéliáo)

LI-20 迎香 Yingxiang - Welcome/Receiving Fragrance (Yíngxiāng)

ST-1 承泣 Chengqi - Container of Tears (Chéngqì)

ST-2 四白 Sibai - Four Whites  (Sìbái)

ST-3 巨髎 Juliao -  Great Crevice / Great Bone-Hole (Jùliáo)

ST-4 地倉 Dicang -  Earth Granary (Dìcāng)

ST-5 大迎 Daying - Great Welcome/ Great Reception (Facial Artery) (Dàyíng)

ST-6 頰車 Jiache - Jaw Bone (Jiáchē)

ST-7 下關 Xiaguan - Below the Joint (Xiàguān)

ST-8 頭維 Touwei - Head’s Binding / Head’s Corner (Tóuwéi)

ST-9 人迎 Renying - Man’s Welcome / Man’s Prognosis (Carotid Artery) (Rényíng) alt name: Tianwuhui (Heaven's Five Meetings)

ST-10 水突 Shuitu - Water Prominence/ Liquid Passage (Shǔitū)

ST-11 氣舍 Qishe - Qi Abode (Qìshè)

ST-12 缺盆 Quepen - Empty Basin (Quēpén)

ST-13 氣戶 Qihu - Qi Door (Qìhù)

ST-14 庫房 Kufang - Storeroom/Storehouse (Kùfáng) 

ST-15 屋翳 Wuyi - Roof / Room Screen (Wūyì)

ST-16 膺窗 Yingchuang - Breast Window (Yìngchuāng)

ST-17 乳中 Ruzhong - Middle of the Breast (Nipple) (Rǔzhōng)

ST-18 乳根 Rugen - Root of the Breast (Rǔgēn)

ST-19 不容 Burong - Not Contained (Bùróng) "Uncontainable" refers to vomiting

ST-20 承滿 Chengman - Assuming Fullness/ Supporting Fullness (Chéngmǎn)

ST-21 梁門 Liangmen - Beam Gate (Liángmén)

ST-22 關門 Guanmen -  Pass Gate (Guānmén)

ST-23 太乙 Taiyi -  Supreme Unity (Tàiyǐ)

ST-24 滑肉門 Huaroumen - Chime Gate / Slipper Flesh Gate (Huáròumén)

ST-25 天樞 Tianshu - Heaven’s Pivot/ Celestial Pivot (Tiānshū)

ST-26 外陵 Wailing - Outer Mound (Wàilíng)

ST-27 大巨 Daju - Great Bulge / Great Gigantic (Dàjù)

ST-28 水道 Shuidao - Waterway / Water Passage (Shuǐdào)

ST-29 歸來 (归来) Guilai - Return / Restoring Position (Guīlái)

ST-30 氣沖 Qichong - Rushing Qi / Surging Qi (Qìchōng)

ST-31 髀關 Biguan - Thigh Gate / Thigh Joint (Bìguān)

ST-32 伏兔 Futu - Crouching Rabbit (Fútù)

ST-33 陰市 Yinshi - Yin Market (Yīnshì) 

ST-34 梁丘 Liangqiu - Ridge Mound / Beam Hill (Liángqīu)

ST-35 犢鼻 Dubi - Calf’s Nose (Dúbí)

ST-36 足三里 Zusanl - Leg Three Miles (Zúsānlǐ)

ST-37 上巨虛 Shangjuxu - Upper Great Void/ Upper Great Hollow (shàng jù xū)

ST-38 條口 Tiaokou - Lines Opening/ Ribbon Opening (tiáo kǒu)

ST-39 下巨虛 Xiajuxu - Lower Great Hollow/Void (Xiàjùxū)

ST-40 豐隆 Fenglong - Abundant Bulge/ Bountiful Bulge (Fēnglóng)

ST-41 解谿 Jiexi - Stream Divide/ Ravine Divide (Jiěxī)

ST-42 沖陽 Chongyang - Rushing Yang/ Surging Yang (Chōngyáng)

ST-43 陷谷 Xiangu - Sunken Valley (Xiàngǔ)

ST-44 内庭 Neiting - Inner Courtyard  (Nèitíng)

ST-45 厲兌 Lidui - Strict Exchange/  Severe Mouth (Lìduì)


SP-1 隱白 Yinbai - Hidden White/ Yin Wrapping (Yǐnbái)

SP-2 大都 Dadu - Great Metropolis (Dàdū)

SP-3 太白 Taibai -  Supreme White (Taìbái)

SP-4 公孫 Gongsun - Grandfather Grandson/ Ancestor Descendent (Gōngsūn)

SP-5 商丘 Shangqiu - Shang Mound/ Metal Hill (Shāngqiū)

SP-6 三陰交 Sanyinjiao - Three Yin Intersection  (Sānyīnjiāo)

SP-7 漏谷 Lougu - Leaking Valley/ Driiping Valley (Loùgǔ)

SP-8 地機 Diji - Earth Pivot/ Earth’s Crux (Dìjī)

SP-9 陰陵泉 Yinlingquan - Yin Mound Spring (yīnlíngqúan)

SP-10 血海 Xuehai - Sea of Blood (Xuèhǎi)

SP-11 箕門 Jimen - Winnowing Gate (Jīmén)

SP-12 沖門 Chongmen - Rushing Gate/ Surging Gate (Chōngmén)

SP-13 府舍 Fushe - Bowel Abode/ Abode of the Fu (Fǔshè)

SP-14 腹結 Fujie - Abdomen Knot/ Abdominal Bind (Fùjié)

SP-15 大横 Da heng - Great Horizontal (Dàhéng)

SP-16 腹哀 Fuai - Abdomen Sorrow/ Abdominal Lament (Fùāi)

SP-17 食竇 Shidou - Food Cavity/ Food Hole (Shídòu)

SP-18 天谿 Tianxi - Heavenly Stream/ Celestial Ravine (Tiānxī)

SP-19 胸鄉 Xiongxiang - Chest Village (Xiōngxiāng)

SP-20 周榮 Zhourong - Encircling Glory/ All-Round Fluorishing (Zhōuróng)

SP-21 大包 Dabao - Great Wrapping/ Great Embrace (Dàbāo)



HT-1 極泉 Jiquan - Highest Spring/ Summit Spring (Jíquán)  

HT-2 青靈 Qingling - Green Spirit (Qīnglíng)

HT-3 少海 Shaohai  - Lesser Sea (Shàohǎi)  

HT-4 靈道 Lingdao - Spirit Path  (Língdào)  

HT-5 通里 Tongli - Penetrating the Interior / Connecting Village (Tōnglǐ)

HT-6 陰郄 Yinxi - Yin Cleft (Yīnxī)  

HT-7 神門 Shenmen - Spirit Gate (Shénmén)  

HT-8 少府 Shaofu - Lesser Mansion/ Lesser Palace (Shàofǔ)  

HT-9 少沖 Shaochong - Lesser Rushing/ Lesser Surge (Shàochōng)  


SI-1 少澤 Shaoze - Lesser Marsh (Shàozé) 

SI-2 前谷 Qiangu - Front Valley (Qiángǔ) 

SI-3 後谿 Houxi - Back Stream/ Back Ravine (Hòuxī)

SI-4 腕骨 Wangu - Wrist Bone (Wàngǔ)  

SI-5 陽谷 Yanggu - Yang Valley (Yánggǔ)

SI-6 養老 Yanglao - Support the Aged/ Nursing the Aged (Yǎnglǎo) 

SI-7 支正 Zhizheng - Branch of the Upright/ Brnch to the Correct (Zhīzhèng)

SI-8 小海 Xiaohai - Small Sea (Xiǎohǎi)  

SI-9 肩貞 Jianzhen - True Shoulder/ Upright Shoulder (Jiānzhēn)  

SI-10 臑俞 Naoshu - Upper Arm Shu (Nāoshū)  

SI-11 天宗 Tianzong - Heavenly Gathering/ Celestial Gathering (Tiānzōng)  

SI-12 秉風 Bingfeng - Grasping the Wind (Bǐngfēng)  

SI-13 曲垣 Quyuan - Crooked Wall (Qūyuán) 

SI-14 肩外俞 Jianwaishu - Outer Shoulder Shu (Jiānwàishū)  

SI-15 肩中俞 Jianzhongshu - Middle Shoulder Shu/Central Shoulder Shu (Jiānzhōngshū)  

SI-16 天窗 Tianchuang - Heavenly Window/ Celestial Window (Tiānchuāng)  

SI-17 天容 Tianrong - Heavenly Appearance/ Celestial Countenance (Tiānróng)  

SI-18 顴髎 Quanliao - Cheek Bone Crevice/ Cheek Bone-hole (Quánliáo)  

SI-19 聽宮 Tinggong - Palace of Hearing/ Auditory Palace (Tīnggōng)  


Bl-1 睛明 Jingming - Bright Eyes (Jīngmíng)

Bl-2 攢竹 Zanzhu - Gathered Bamboo (Zǎnzhú) 

Bl-3 眉衝 Meichong - Eyebrows’ Pouring/ Eyebrow’s Ascension (Méichōng)

Bl-4 曲差 Quchai -  Crooked Curve/ Deviating Turn (Qǔchā)  

Bl-5 五處 Wuchu - Fifth Palace/ Fifth Place (Wǔchǔ)  

Bl-6 承光 Chengguang - Receiving Light/ Light Guard (Chéngguāng)

Bl-7 通天 Tongtian - Heavenly Connection/ Celestial Connection (Tōngtiān)

Bl-8 絡卻 Luoque -  Declining Connection (Luòquè)  

Bl-9 玉枕 Yuzhen - Jade Pillow (Yùzhěn)  

Bl-10 天柱 Tianzhu - Celestial Pillar (Tiānzhù)

Bl-11 大杼 Dazhu - Great Shuttle (Dàzhù) 

Bl-12 風門 Fengmen - Wind Gate (Fēngmén)

Bl-13 肺俞 Feishu  - Lung Shu (Fèishū)

Bl-14 厥陰俞 Jueyinshu - Jueyin Shu/ Absolute Yin Shu (Juéyīnshū)

Bl-15 心俞 Xinshu - Heart Shu (Xīnshū)  

Bl-16 督俞 Dushu - Governor Shu (Dūshū)

Bl-17 膈俞 Geshu - Diaphragm Shu (Géshū)  

Bl-18 肝俞 Ganshu - Liver Shu (Gānshū)

Bl-19 膽俞 Danshu - Gallbladder Shu (Dǎnshū)  

Bl-20 脾俞 Pishu - Spleen Shu (Píshū)  

Bl-21 胃俞 Weishu - Stomach Shu  (Wèishū) 

Bl-22 三焦俞 Sanjiaoshu - Sanjiao Shu (Sānjiāoshū) 

Bl-23 腎俞 Shenshu - Kidney Shu (Shènshū)  

Bl-24 氣海俞 Qihaishu - Sea of Qi Shu  (Qìhǎishū)  

Bl-25 大腸俞 Dachangshu - Large Intestine Shu (Dàchángshū)  

Bl-26 關元俞 Guanyuanshu - Gate of Origin Shu/ Origin Pass Shu (Guānyuánshū)

Bl-27 小腸俞 Xiaochangshu - Small Intestine Shu (Xiǎochángshū) 

Bl-28 膀胱俞 Pangguangshu - Bladder Shu (Pángguāngshū)  

Bl-29 中膂俞 Zhonglushu - Mid-Spine Shu/ Central Backbone Shu (Zhōnglǚshū)

Bl-30 白環俞 Baihuanshu - White Ring Shu (Báihuánshū)  

Bl-31 上髎 Shangliao - Upper Crevice/ Upper Bone Hole  (Shàngliáo)  

Bl-32 次髎 Ciliao - Second Crevice/ Second Bone Hole (Cìliáo)  

Bl-33 中髎 Zhongliao - Middle Crevice/ Central Bone Hole (Zhōngliáo)  

Bl-34 下髎 Xialiao - Lower Crevice/ Lower Bone Hole (Xiàliáo)  

Bl-35 會陽 Huiyang - Meeting of Yang (Huìyáng)  

Bl-36 承扶 Chengfu - Hold and Support (Chéngfú)  

Bl-37 殷門 Yinmen - Gate of Abundance  (Yīnmén)

Bl-38 浮郄 Fuxi - Floating Cleft/ Superficial Cleft (Fúxī)  

Bl-39 委陽 Weiyang - Outside of the Crook/ Bend Yang (Wěiyáng) 

Bl-40 委中 Weizhong - Middle of the Crook/Bend Middle (Wěizhōng)  

Bl-41 附分 Fufen - Attached Branch (Fùfēn)  

Bl-42 魄戶 Pohu - Door of the Corporeal Soul/ Po Door (Pòhù)  

Bl-43 膏肓俞 Gaohuangshu - Vital Region Shu (Gāohuāngshū)  

Bl-44 神堂 Shentang - Spirit Hall/ Hall of the Spirit (Shéntáng)  

Bl-45 譩譆 Yixi - Yixi (Yìxǐ) (tee hee)

Bl-46 膈關 Geguan - Diaphragm Gate/ Diaphragm Pass (Géguān)  

Bl-47 魂門 Hunmen - Gate of the Ethereal Soul/ Hun Door (Húnmén)  

Bl-48 陽綱 Yanggang - Yang’s Key Link/ Yang Parameter (Yánggāng)  

Bl-49 意舍 Yishe - Abode of Thought/ Reflection Abode (Yìshě) 

Bl-50 胃倉 Weicang - Stomach Granary (Wèicāng)  

Bl-51 肓門 Huangmen - Vitals Gate (Huāngmén)  

Bl-52 志室 Zhishi - Residence of the Will/ Will Chamber (Zhìshì)

Bl-53 胞肓 Baohuang - Bladder's Vitals (Bāohuāng)  

Bl-54 秩邊 Zhibian - Order’s Limit/ Sequential Limit  (Zhìbiān)  

Bl-55 合陽 Heyang - Confluence of Yang/ Yang Union (Héyáng)  

Bl-56 承筋 Chengjin -  Support the Sinews  (Chéngjīn) 

Bl-57 承山 Chengshan - Support the Mountain (Chéngshān)  

Bl-58 飛陽 Feiyang - Soaring Upwards/ Taking Flight (Fēiyáng)  

Bl-59 跗陽 Fuyang - Instep Yang /Tarsus Yang (Fūyáng)  

Bl-60 昆侖/崑崙Kunlun - Kunlun Mountains (Kūnlún)  

Bl-61 僕參 Pucan - Servant’s Respect/ Subservient Visitor (Púcān) 

Bl-62 申脈 Shenmai - Extending Vessel (Shēnmài)  

Bl-63 金門 Jinmen - Golden Gate/ Metal Gate (Jīnmén) 

Bl-64 京骨 Jinggu - Capital Bone/ Metatarsal Tuberosity (Jīnggǔ)  

Bl-65 束骨 Shugu - Restrining Bone/ Bundle Bone (Shùgǔ)  

Bl-66 足通谷 Zutonggu - Foot Connecting Valley/ Foot Open Valley (Zútōnggǔ)  

Bl-67 至陰 Zhiyin - Reaching Yin (Zhìyīn)  


KI-1 湧泉 Yong Quan - Gushing Spring/ Bubbling Well (Yǒngquán)

KI-2 然谷 Rangu - Blazing Valley (Rángǔ) 

KI-3 太谿 Taixi - Supreme Stream/ Gret Ravine (Taìxī) 

KI-4 大鐘 Dazhong - Great Bell/ Large Goblet (Dàzhōng)  

KI-5 水泉 Shuiquan - Water Spring (Shuǐquán)

KI-6 照海 Zhaohai - Shining Sea (Zhàohǎi) 

KI-7 復溜 Fuliu - Returning Current/ Recover Flow (Fùliū)

KI-8 交信 Jiaoxin - Exchange Belief/ Intersection Reach (Jiāoxìn) 

KI-9 築賓 Zhubin - Guest House/  (Zhúbīn)

KI-10 陰谷 Yingu - Yin Valley (Yīngǔ)

KI-11 橫骨 Henggu - Pubic Bone (Hénggǔ)  

KI-12 大赫 Dahe - Great Luminance/ Great Manifestation (Dàhè)  

KI-13 氣穴 Qixue -  Qi Cave/ Qi Hole (Qìxué)  

KI-14 四滿 Siman - Four Fullnesses/ Fourfold Fullness (Sìmǎn)

KI-15 中注 Zhongzhu - Middle Flow/  Central Flow  (Zhōngzhù)

KI-16 肓俞 Huangshu - Vitals Shu (Huāngshū)

KI-17 商曲 Shangqu - Shang Bend  (Shāngqū)

KI-18 石關 Shiguan - Stone Pass/ Stone Gate (Shíguān)

KI-19 陰都 Yindu - Yin Metropolis (Yīndū)

KI-20 腹通谷 Futonggu - Abdomen Connecting Valley (Fùtōnggǔ)

KI-21 幽門 Youmen - Hidden Gate/ Dark Gate (Yōumén)

KI-22 步廊 Bulang - Waling Corridor/ Corridor Walk (Bùláng)

K-23 神封 Shenfeng - Spirit Seal (Shénfēng)

KI-24 靈墟 Lingxu - Spirit Ruin (Língxū)

KI-25 神藏 Shencang - Spirit Storehouse (Shéncáng)

KI-26 彧中 Yuzhong - Lively Center/ Comfortable Chest (Yùzhōng)

KI-27 俞府 Shufu - Shu Mansion (Shūfǔ)


PC-1 天池 Tianchi - Heavenly Pool/ Celestial Pool (Tiānchí)

PC-2 天泉 Tianquan - Heavenly Spring/ Celestial Spring (Tiānquán)

PC-3 曲澤 Quze - Marsh at the Crook/Bend (Qūzé)

PC-4 郄門 Ximen - Xi-Cleft Gate (Xīmén)

PC-5 間使 Jianshi - Intermediate Messenger/ Intermediary Courier (Jiāshǐ)

PC-6 內關 Neiguan - Inner Pass (Nèiguān)

PC-7 大陵 Daling - Great Mound (Dàlíng)

PC-8 勞宮 Laogong - Palace of Toil (Láogōng)

PC-9 中衝 Zhongchong - Middle Rushing/ Central Hub (Zhōng chōng)


TE-1 關衝 Guanchong - Rushing Pass/ Surge Gate (Guānchōng)  

TE-2 液門 Yemen - Fluid Gate (Yèmén)

TE-3 中渚 Zhongzhu - Central Islet  (Zhōngzhǔ)  

TE-4 陽池 Yangchi - Yang Pool (Yángchí)  

TE-5 外關 Waiguan - Outer Pass (Wàiguān) 

TE-6 支溝 Zhigou - Branch Ditch (Zhīgōu) 

TE-7 會宗 Huizong - Ancestral Meeting/ Convergence-Gathering (Huìzōng) 

TE-8 三陽絡 Sanyangluo - Three Yang Luo/ Three Yang Connection (Sānyángluò)  

TE-9 四瀆 Sidu - Four Rivers (Sìdú)  

TE-10 天井 Tianjing - Heavenly Well/ Celestial Well (Tiānjǐng)

TE-11 清冷淵 Qinglengyuan - Clear Cold Abyss (Qīnglěngyuān)

TE-12 消濼 Xiaoluo - Dispersing Luo River/ Draining Riverbed (Xiāoluò) 

TE-13 臑會 Naohui - Upper Arm Meeting (Nàohuì)  

TE-14 肩髎 Jianliao - Shoulder Crevice/ Shoulder Bone-Hole (Jiānliáo)  

TE-15 天髎 Tianliao - Heavenly Crevice/ Celestial Bone-Hole (Tiānliáo)  

TE-16 天牖 Tianyou - Window of Heaven/ Celestial Window (Tiānyǒu)  

TE-17 翳風 Yifeng - Wind Screen (Yìfēng)

TE-18 契脈 Qimai - Spasm Vessel/ Convulsion Vessel (Qìmài)

TE-19 顱息 Luxi - Skull’s Rest  (Lúxī)

TE-20 角孫 Jiaosun - Minute Angle/ Angle Vertex (Jiǎosūn)

TE-21 耳門 Ermen - Ear Gate (Ěrmén)

TE-22 耳和髎 Erheliao - Ear Harmony Crevice (Ěrhéliáo)

TE-23 絲竹空 Sizhukong - Silken Bamboo Hollow (Sīzhúkōng)


GB-1 瞳子髎 Tongziliao - Pupil Crevice (Tóngzǐliáo)

GB-2 聽會 Tinghui - Meeting of Hearing/ Auditory Convergence (Tīnghuì)

GB-3 上關 Shangguan - Above the Joint/ Upper Gate (Shàngguān)

GB-4 頷厭 Hanyan - Jaw Serenity/ Forehead Fullness (Hànyàn)  

GB-5 懸顱 Xuanlu - Suspended Skull (Xuánlú)  

GB-6 懸厘 Xuanli - Suspended Hair/Suspended Tuft (Xuánlí) 

GB-7 曲鬢 Qubin - Crook of the Temple/Temporal Hairline Curve (Qūbìn)

GB-8 率谷 Shuaigu - Leading Valley (Shuàigǔ)

GB-9 天沖 Tianchong - Heavenly Rushing/ Celestial Hub (Tiānchōng) 

GB-10 浮白 Fubai - Floating White (Fúbái) 

GB-11 頭竅陰 Touqiaoyin - Yin Portals of the Head (Tóuqiàoyīn)  

GB-12 完骨 Wangu - Mastoid Process/ Completion Bone (Wángǔ)  

GB-13 本神 Benshen - Root of the Spirit (Běnshén) 

GB-14 陽白 Yangbai - Yang White (Yángbái) 

GB-15 頭臨泣 Toulinqi - Head Governor of Tears/ Head Falling Tears (Tóulínqì)

GB-16 目窗 Muchuang - Window of the Eye/ Eye Window (Mùchuāng) 

GB-17 正營 Zhengying - Upright Nutrition/ Upright Construction (Zhèngyíng)  

GB-18 承靈 Chengling - Support Spirit (Chénglíng)  

GB-19 腦空 Naokong - Brain Hollow (Nǎokōng)  

GB-20 風池 Fengchi - Wind Pool (Fēngchí)

GB-21 肩井 Jianjing - Shoulder Well (Jīanjǐng) 

GB-22 淵腋 Yuanye - Armpit Abyss (Yuānyè)

GB-23 輒筋 Zhejin - Flank Sinews/ Sinew Seat (Zhéjīn)  

GB-24 日月 Riyue - Sun and Moon (Rìyuè)  

GB-25 京門 Jingmen - Capital Gate (Jīngmén) 

GB-26 帶脈 Daimai - Girdling Vessel (Dàimài)  

GB-27 五樞 Wushu - Five Pivots (Wǔshū)  

GB-28 維道 Weidao - Linking Path (Wéidào) 

GB-29 居髎 Juliao - Stationary Crevice/ Squatting Bone-Hole (Jūliáo) 

GB-30 環跳 Huantiao - Jumping Circle/ Jumping Round (Huántiào)

GB-31 風市 Fengshi - Wind Market (Fēngshì) 

GB-32 中瀆 Zhongdu - Middle Ditch  (Zhōngdú)  

GB-33 膝陽關 Xiyangguan - Knee Yang Gate/ Knee Yang Joint (Xīyángguān) 

GB-34 陽陵泉 Yanglingquan - Yang Mound Spring (Yánglíngquán) 

GB-35 陽交 Yangjiao - Yang Intersection (yángjiāo)  

GB-36 外丘 Waiqiu - Outer Hill (Wàiqiū)  

GB-37 光明 Guangming - Bright Light (Guāngmíng)  

GB-38 陽輔 Yangfu - Yang Assistance (Yángfǔ)

GB-39 懸鐘 Xuanzhong - Suspended Bell (Xuánzhōng) 

GB-40 丘墟 Qiuxu - Mound of Ruins/ Hill Ruins (Qiūxū)  

GB-41 足臨泣 Zulinqi - Foot Governor of Tears/ Foot Falling Tears (Zúlínqì) 

GB-42 地五會 Diwuhui - Earth Five Meetings/ Earth 5 Convergence (Dìwǔhuì)  

GB-43 俠谿 Xiaxi - Clamped Stream/ Pinched Ravine (Xiáxī)  

GB-44 足竅陰 Zuqiaoyin - Yin Portals of the Foot/ Foot Portal Yin (Zúqiàoyīn) 


LR-1 大敦 Dadun - Big Mound/ Large Pile (Dàdūn)

LR-2 行間 Xingjian - Interval Pass/Moving Between (Xíngjiān)

LR-3 太沖 Taichong - Supreme Rush/ Great Rushing (Taìchōng)

LR-4 中封 Zhongfeng - Middle Seal/ Mound Center (Zhōngfēng)

LR-5 蠡溝 Ligou - Woodworm Canal/ Gnawed Channel (Lǐgōu)

LR-6 中都 Zhongdu - Central Capital/ Central Metropolis (Zhōngdū)

LR-7 膝關 Xiguan -   Knee Joint/ Knee Pass (Xīguān)  

LR-8 曲泉 Ququan - Spring at the Crook/Spring at the Bend  (Qūquán)  

LR-9 陰包 Yinbao - Yin Wrapping/ Yin Bladder  (Yīnbāo)

LR-10 足五里 Zuwuli - Leg Five Miles/Foot Five Miles (Zúwǔli)

LR-11 陰廉 Yinlian - Yin Corner (Yīnlián)  

LR-12 急脈 Jimai - Urgent Pulse/Swift Pulse (Jímài)  

LR-13 章門 Zhangmen - Completion Gate/Camphorwood Gate (Zhāngmén)  

LR-14 期門 Qimen - Cycle Gate (Qímén)  


Du-1 長強 Changqiang - Long Strong  (Chángqiáng)

Du-2 腰俞 Yaoshu - Lumbar Shu  (Yāoshū)  

Du-3 腰陽關 Yaoyangquan - Lumbar Yang Gate (Yāoyángguān)

Du-4 命門 Mingmen - Gate of Life (Mìngmén) 

Du-5 懸樞 Xuanshu - Suspended Pivot (Xuánshū)

Du-6 脊中 Jizhong - Centre of the Spine (Jìzhōng)

Du-7 中樞 Zhongshu - Central Pivot  (Zhōngshū)  

Du-8 筋縮 Jinsuo - Sinew Contraction (Jīnsuō)

Du-9 至陽 Zhiyang - Reaching Yang (Zhìyáng)  

Du-10 靈台 Lingtai - Spirit Tower/ Spirit Platform (Língtái)  

Du-11 神道 Shendao - Spirit Pathway (Shéndào) 

Du-12 身柱 Shenzhu - Body Pillar (Shēn zhù)

Du-13 陶道 Taodao - Way of Happiness/ Kiln Path (Táodào)  

Du-14 大椎 Dazhui - Great Vertebra/ Great Hammer (Dàzhuī)  

Du-15 瘂門/哑门 Yamen - Gate of Muteness/ (Yǎmén)  

Du-16 風府 Fengfu - Palace of Wind / Wind Mansion (Fēngfǔ)

Du-17 腦戶 Naohu - Brain’s Door (Nǎohù)  

Du-18 強間 Qiangjian - Rigid Space/ Unyielding Space (Qiángjiān)    

Du-19 後頂 Houding - Behind the Crown/ Back Vertex/ Behind the Vertex (Hòudǐng)  

Du-20 百會 Baihui - One Hundred Meetings / Hundred Convergence (Bǎihuì)  

Du-21 前頂 Qianding - In Front of the Crown/ Front Vertex/ Before the Vertex (Qiándǐng)

Du-22 囟會 Xinhui - Fontanelle Meeting (Xìnhuì) 

Du-23 上星 Shangxing - Upper Star (Shàngxīng)  

Du-24 神庭 Shenting - Courtyard of the Spirit (Shéntíng)  

Du-25 素髎 Suliao - White Crevice (Sùliáo)

Du-26 人中 Renzhong - Man’s Middle (Rénzhōng) /  水溝 shuǐ gōu - Water Trough

Du-27 兌端 Duiduan - Extremity of Mouth  (Duìduān)

Du-28 齦交 Yinjiao - Gum Intersection/ Gum Union  (Yínjiāo)


Ren-1 會陰 Huiyin - Meeting of Yin (Huìyīn) 

Ren-2 曲骨 Qugu - Curved Bone (Qūgǔ) 

Ren-3 中極 Zhongji - Middle Pole/ Central Pole (Zhōngjí)  

Ren-4 關元 Guanyuan - Gate of Origin/ Origin Pass (Guānyuán)  

Ren-5 石門 Shimen - Stone Gate (Shímén) 

Ren-6 氣海 Qihai - Sea of Qi (Qìhǎi)  

Ren-7 陰交 Yinjiao - Yin Intersection (Yīnjiāo)  

Ren-8 神闕 Shenque - Spirit Gateway (Shénquè)

Ren-9 水分 Shuifen - Water Separation/ Water Divide (Shuǐfēn)  

Ren-10 下脘 Xiawan - Lower Cavity/ Lower Venter (Xiàwǎn)  

Ren-11 建里 Jianli - Stengthen the Interior (Jiànlǐ) 

Ren-12 中脘 Zhongwan - Middle Cavity/ Central Venter (Zhōngwǎn)  

Ren-13 上脘 Shangwan - Upper Cavity/ Upper Venter (Shàngwǎn)  

Ren-14 巨闕 Juque - Great Gateway/ Great Tower Gte (Jùquè)

Ren-15 鳩尾 Jiuwei - Turtledove Tail/ Bird Tail (Jiūwěi)

Ren-16 中庭 Zhongting - Central Courtyard (Zhōngtíng)  

Ren-17  膻中 Shanzhong - Chest Centre/ Middle of the Chest (Shānzhōng)

Ren-18 玉堂 Yutang - Jade Hall (Yùtáng)  

Ren-19 紫宮 Zigong - Violet/Purple Palace (Zǐgōng)  

Ren-20 華蓋 Huagai - Magnificent Canopy/ Splendid Cover/Florid Canopy (Huágài)  

Ren-21 璇璣 Xuanji - Jade Pivot (Xuánjī)

Ren-22 天突 Tiantu - Heavenly Prominence Projection/ Celestial Chimney (Tiāntū)  

Ren-23 廉泉 Lianquan - Corner Spring/ Ridge Spring (Liánquán)  

Ren-24 承漿 Chengjiang - Container of Fluids/ Sauce Receptacle  (Chéngjiāng)


EXTRA POINTS NAMING KEY (Deadman: A Manual of Acupuncture / Acupuncture: A Comprehensive Text: Shanghai College of Traditional Medicine / Study of Acupuncture Points (for acupuncture specialization), 1985, by Yang Jiasan et al, Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House). Some translations were found via Jim Cleaver>

M-HN  - Miscellaneous Head & Neck

N-HN - New Head & Neck (N - modern point addition)

M-BW - Miscellaneous Back and Waist

M-CA - Miscellaneous Chest & Abdomen

M-UE - Miscellaneous Upper Extremities

M-LE - Miscellaneous Lower Extremities

M-HN-1 Sìshéncōng - Four Alert Spirit 四神聰 (Sishencong) (four points near Bǎihuì DU-20 vertex of head)

M-HN-2 Dāngyáng - Towards Yang 当阳 (Dangyang)

M-HN-3 Yìntáng - Hall of Impression 印堂 (yintang) (forehead glabella between the eyebrows)

M-HN-4 Shàngmíng - Upper Brightness 上明 (Shangming)
M-HN-6  Yúyāo - Fish Waist 鱼腰 (Yuyao) (center of eyebrow)
M-HN-8  Qiúhòu - Behind the Ball 球後 (Qiuhou) (inferior border of the eye orbit/below eye)
M-HN-9  Tàiyáng- Sun (Supreme Yang) 太陽 (Taiyang)(temple)
M-HN-10  Ěrjiān - Tip of the Ear 耳尖 (Erjian) (top of ear)

M-HN-13 Yìmíng - Screen Brightness/ Eye Screens 翳明 (yiming)

M-HN-14  Bítōng - Penetrating the Nose 鼻通 (Bitong) (beside nose)
M-HN-18  Jiǎchéngjiāng - Adjacent to Container of Fluids 挾承漿 (Jiachengjiang)(under lips)
M-HN-20  Jīnjīn, Yùyè - Golden Liquid & Jade Fluid 玉液 (Jinjin, Yuye) (either sides of tongue frenulum)
M-HN-30  Bǎiláo - Hundred Taxations 百劳 (Bailao) (back of neck)
M-HN-37 Hǎiquán - Sea Spring 海泉 (Haiquan) (center of tongue frenulum, between Jīnjīn and Yùyè -M-HN-20)

N-HN-19 Jǐngbì - Neck & Arm 頸臂 (Jingbi)

N-HN-20 Qiānzhèng - Pull Uprightness/ Pull Correct 牽 正 (Qianzheng)

N-HN-54  Ānmián- Peaceful Sleep 安眠 (Anmian) (Behind ear, between GB-20 and SJ-17)

N-CA-4 Títūo - Lift and Support 提托 (Tituo) (lower abdomen)
M-CA-23 Sānjiǎojiǔ - Triangle Moxibustion 三角灸 (lower abdomen)

M-CA-18 Zǐgōng - Palace of the Child (Uterus) 子 宮 (lower abdomen)

M-BW-1  Dìngchuān - Calm Dyspnoea 定喘 (Dingchuan)

M-BW-3 Jié hé xué - Knots & Kernels / Tuberculosis Hole 結核穴 (Jiehexue)

M-BW-6  Huànmén - Gate of Suffering 宦海 (Huanmen)

M-BW-12  Wèiguǎnxiàshū - Stomach Controller Lower Shu 胃管下俞 (Weiguanxiashu)

M-BW-16 Pǐgēn - Abdominal Swelling/Lump Root  痞根 (Pigen)

M-BW-24  Yāoyǎn -  Lumbar Eyes 眼腰 (Yaoyan)

M-BW-25  Shíqīzhuīxìa - Below the Seventeenth Vertebra 十七椎下 (Shiqizhuixia)

M-BW- 34 Huánzhōng - Cirlce Center 環中 (Huanzhong)

M-BW-35  Huátúojiājǐ - Hua Tuo’s Paravertebral Point(s) 華佗夾脊 (Huatuojiaji)

M-UE-1 Shíxuān - Ten Diffusions 十宣 (Shixuan) (On the tips of the ten fingers)

M-UE-9 Sìfèng - Four Seams 四缝 (Sifeng) (On the palmar surface of the hand, at the midpoints of the transverse creases of the proximal interphalangeal joints of the index, middle, ring and little fingers).

M-UE-16 Zhōngkuí - Middle Eminence/Middle Head/Knuckle - 中魁 (Zhongkui)

N-UE-19 Yāotòngxué - Lumbar Pain Point 腰痛穴 (dorsum of the hand)

M-UE-22 Bāxié - Eight Pathogens 八邪 (Baxie) (When the hand is made into a fist, six of these points lie in the depressions between the metacarpal heads).

M-UE-24 Luòzhěn - Stiff Neck 落枕 (Luozhen) (On the dorsum of the hand)

M-UE-29 Èrbái - Two Whites 二白 (Erbai) (forearm)

M-UE-30 Bìzhōng - Middle of Forearm 臂中 (Bizhong)

M-UE-33 Zhōngquán - Middle Spring 中泉 (Zhongquan)

M-UE-46 Zhǒujiān - Elbow Tip 肘尖 (Zhoujian) (moxibustion only* On the tip of the olecranon process of the ulna).

M-UE-48 Jiānqián - Front of the Shoulder 肩前 (Jianqian).

M-LE-1 Lǐnèitíng - Inner Court 里内庭 (Lineiting) (bottom of foot)

M-LE-8 Bāfēng - Eight Winds 八風 (Bafeng) (On the dorsum of the foot, between the toes, 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the web).

M-LE-11  Dúyīn - Solitary Yin/Sole 獨陰 (Duyin) (distal interphalangeeal skin crease)

M-LE-13 Lánwěixué - Appendix Point 阑尾穴 (Lanweixue) (Approximately 2 cun distal to Zúsānlǐ ST-36 on the right leg).

M-LE-16 Xīyǎn - Eyes of the Knee 膝眼 (Xiyan) (On the knee, in the hollows formed when the knee is flexed, immediately below the patella and both medial and lateral to the patellar ligament. Lateral Xīyǎn (MN-LE-16) is identical with Dúbí ST-35).

M-LE-23 Dǎnnángxué - Gallbladder Point 膽囊穴 (Dannangxue) (Between 1 and 2 cun distal to Yánglíngquán GB-34 on the right leg).

M-LE-27 Hèdǐng - Crane’s Summit 鹤顶 (Heding) (top of knee)

M-LE-34 Bǎichóngwò - Hundred Insect Burrow 百蟲窩 (Baichongwo)


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