“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield…

This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.”

- Laozi (Tao Te Ching, Chapter 78)


Bre is an acupuncture student in Victoria, Canada. She is passionate about improving care for those suffering with complex and chronic illnesses. She has a special interest in studying Neuro-rehab acupuncture, NADA acudetox for addictions and trauma management, TCM for allergic disease, Lyme Disease, and more. She loves sharing her perspective on TCM/CCM approaches to chronic disease through her online articles.

Her aspiration is to one day offer the community safe and effective acupuncture, with a practice rooted in disability justice. Providing trauma-informed, compassionate care for all bodies.

Areas of Interest

  • Lyme & Vector Borne Diseases

  • ME/CFS 

(Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)

  • Neurodegenerative Conditions

  • Mast Cell Disorders

  • Ehlers Danlos/ Hypermobility

  • Allergic Disease

  • Dysautonomia

  • Long Covid

  • Chronic Disease

  • Chronic/Persistent Infection

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